We were pleased this morning by a sprinking of rain. The kids and I dashed out to savor the last bit of precipitation; soon enough those clouds and blue skies will become a distant memory and the skies over the shimmering sands will stretch away white and empty. We hear on the radio that there may be more showers over the next 24 hours, though they accompany sand storms with high winds.
For us this translates to commutes being more dangerous, and our cars will be completely filthy. We are lucky to live in the Springs: it is green and well protected from a lot of the winds and flying sands. For the workers out in the desert, however, our concerns would seem petty, to say the least. They will wrap their colorful, ever-present scarves around their faces beneath their hard hats, bend into the wind and trust that if conditions get too bad they'll be brought in out of the storm. I know Mike's jobsite doesn't try to do any work with the 100+ cranes onsite when the winds and sand start whipping up and will shut everything down for safety reasons, if needed.
With all this, it hardly seems I can justify complaining that I miss spring flowers, especially with the festive bourgainvilla blooming it's heart out in the garden. (There are no yards, they are called gardens, regardless of landscaping or not. Ah, those Brits...) But I do. I miss the crocus, the daffodils, the tulips, the cherry trees showering their white petals over the lawns.
So it was with a joyful heart that I purchased these today: They could have charged me pretty much anything for this pot of happiness.
Truly, I know we are lucky to be here in this beautiful place, together with our new friends and with the support of home. It's probably the slipping away of Dubai's incredible winter weather that's making me ache for the mountains and rains of Seattle.
LOVE the pictures with the kids in the flowers. It's great that you can have such flowers that don't make you pay for their beauty with thorns.
Hey, whatever happened to the pumpkin sprouts?
Ah. Actually, when we first moved in I looked at the greenery outside and asked Mike "Why on earth would somebody plant these incredibly thorny things here?" The thorns on the Bourgainvilla are needle length. Seriously. Then it bloomed and I went "ooh!" and we made nice to it. Go figure, plants in the desert are either poisonous or prickly. Even our palm trees have wicked spikes that can draw blood. So these photos are also tribute to how well the kids have adapted. I think we had more trouble with blackberries back home.
The pumpkins, well, they sprouted, grew like crazy, bloomed like crazy, and promptly shriveled up and died. It was very sad. However, there are sprouts in sneaky spots around our garden, and I've seen other squashes growing around Dubai so I have not lost hope.:)
Love the pics with the turtle. Good luck with the whole survival thing!
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