the expat adventures of a Pacific NW family transplanted from Seattle to Dubai...
...and back again.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
...ready on the mark. Gonna try and take the pictures...(part 1)
Along the desert roads it is a big deal (for our family anyway) to spot four-legged creatures. Here are the best of the photos from this weekend: Back home in the States I hear the World Series has been played, that you are in the throes of autumn, and that the air is crisp and cool. It's literally a world away for me. Two of you are, unsolicited, taking photos of the Pacific NW fall for me. What an incredibly thoughtful thing to do! I can't wait to see them.
fall is my favorite time of year!!! i have pictures in my albums... but i will keep you in mind and post more just for you.
yes we get all excited over four legged animals too... but yours are much more interesting...
a camel!!!
wish we had had a chance to meet for coffee before you left.
Thanks Vi for the photo thought!
I think I'll be dead before I'm not pressing my nose to the window, squealing "Camel! Camel!! There's a camel!!!"
Now if we can just find a desert fox...
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